Hudson Valley Green Party would like all Greens and Green friends to be aware of our multi-event day this coming Saturday, Apr 28. Please see the prior post for information on the events of that day, and please spread the word about it.
Additionally, on Tues evening May 8, HVGP is having an in-person gathering and business meeting for: all registered Greens, or voters who have filed with their Board of Elections to affiliate with the Green Party and are awaiting that to take place after the next election (which is how NYS election law works), or those who would be Green but due to law are disenfranchised (e.g, Dreamers, permanent residents, etc.); and who reside in Dutchess, Orange, or Ulster County.
General location for our May 8 meeting will be New Paltz, as that is a rather central location for our large geographic area. Please stay tuned for exact location, which will be posted here once it is established.
Meeting start time is planned to be at 7 pm.
Main items on agenda will be election of our representatives to the State Committee of the Green Party of New York State, and selection of state political issues we would like us and the rest of GPNY to focus on during the upcoming year. (Currently, the political issues of focus for the past year have been: banning most plastic bags (recent success!); promoting public transportation; averting climate change; and promoting single payer health coverage). Regarding our State Committee (SC) representatives, we have had none as we are a newly emerging official multi-county GPNY organization, and we are currently entitled to have up to 10 SC representatives. The number is based on the number of registered Greens in our geographic jurisdiction and also the number of those who are dues-paying members to GPNY. (If you are not already paying dues, you can take care of that by going to the Green Party of NYS website. Dues are based on a sliding scale, and are extremely affordable. Funding for the Green Party is entirely via small individual donations - NO corporate donations are accepted. So financial backing is entirely up to us).
The Green Party of New York State will be having its annual convention in the Capital District on Saturday May 19. All registered Greens in the state are welcome and eligible to participate. State GP candidates will be formally selected. More info, including hospitality and car-pooling arrangements, can be found on Green Party of New York State website.
Barbara Kidney
HVGP CoChair