On August 26, 1920 — 100 years ago from this very day — the federal government officially ratified the 19th amendment and granted women the right to vote. Even as we celebrate that hard-fought victory, however, we must remember many women were not able to exercise that right because of a pernicious web of laws and regulations designed to disenfranchise voters based on race and country of origin.
A series of reforms through the following decades gradually expanded the right to vote to citizens of all races and nationalities, culminating in the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
With our foundational commitment to the pillars Grassroots Democracy and Social Justice, the Green Party has always fought for more just participation and representation for all people. Please give to the Green Party today so we can keep winning victories in this multi-generational struggle, which is actively obscured by the Parties of War and Wall Street and their mouthpieces in the media. Your gift today will help us run candidates and win victories to ensure more people can vote while fighting to ensure people’s votes mean more through transformative reforms like Ranked Choice Voting, Proportional Representation and Fully-Public Campaign Finance.
In Solidarity,
Dee Taylor
National Women’s Caucus Co-Chair
Green Party of the United States
P.S. A mountain of evidence shows Ranked Choice Voting and Proportional Representation elects more equitable and diverse governments along the lines of gender, ethnicity and other dimensions of historical repreression. Become a Green Party monthly sustainer today so we can win RCV and PR across this country and ensure 100 more years of expanded Voting Justice. Grassroots, multi-party democracy is necessary to winning Real Solutions That Can’t Wait!