Stop The Plant

There are no ifs and or buts regarding our objection to the proposed expansion of the Danskammer Power Plant in Newburgh, Orange County. Increasing this part time fracked gas plant operating a few days per year into a 24/7 full time facility will have many more serious negative impacts than positive ones on our region. Public health, ecological, and financial ramifications would make implementation of this plan a potential boondoggle: 

– 25x more risk of lung exposure to particulate matter and volatile carcinogenic chemicals 

– 40x more methane gas emissions which has 30x more impact than carbon in accelerating climate change (

– An increase of industrial noise emanating from the plant’s jet turbines and exhaust mechanisms 

New York State’s Independent System Operator which oversees the power grid deter- mined this expansion is NOT needed even taking into account Indian Point Power Plant’s closing. An irrelevant plant would quickly become obsolete and a financial burden. ...

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Harvey Weiss Chelsea