We need your help

Good news: the NYS State Legislature is convening the week of July 20 – providing the opportunity to nudge the fracking waste bill over the finish line. But we need your help calling for bringing the bill to a vote. In April, over 120 organizations sent a letter to the legislature urging passage of the bill, which would eliminate a loophole exempting oil and gas waste from being regulated as hazardous waste.

The legislation, S.. 3392 / A. 2655, was introduced in the Senate by Rachel May and in the Assembly by Steve Englebright.

Despite our ban on fracking, New York still accepts fracking waste from Pennsylvania, which is dumped into landfills, and oil and gas waste has even been used for de-icing or dust suppression on roads. This waste can be highly toxic and radioactive, containing cancer-causing chemicals such as benzene, toluene, and formaldehyde, along with heavy metals and radioactive materials. Read the horrifying details ( America's Radioactive Secret ).

We’re requesting you send a letter in support of the bill to legislative staff – cc’ing both me and our lobbyist, Stacie Orell (sorell@malkinross.com).

Please let me or my colleague Alex Beauchamp (abeauchamp@fwwatch.org) know if you have any questions or need more information.

Thank you.

-- Eric
Eric Weltman
Senior Organizer

Food & Water Watch and Food & Water Action